About us
Ellen Richard is a fair fashion brand from Estonia with a goal to offer comfortable minimalism and multifunctional garments. Trying to enforce people to consume less and more consciously, we have put an effort on timeless and unseasonable design, which lasts for many years and has an important place in your wardrobe. Reaching sustainability through modularity and honest production, Ellen Richard is a brand with a classical style and comfortable future.

People behind the brand
Kristi Pärn is a designer and a founder of Ellen Richard brand. She has completed studies at Estonian Academy of Arts in a field of fashion stylistics and at Tallinn University of Technology in a field of economy. She is a person with a goal of living sustainably, buying less and combining old with modernity. Ellen Richard is created by Kristi to fulfil her dreams and to put her mindset into action on the streets.
Andreas Kübar is a 3rd-year bachelor design student who is studying in Estonian Academy of Arts and has studied in Design School of Kolding in a field of fashion design. With abstract handwriting and brave experimentalism, he contributes to Ellen Richard style from a different angle.

“Brändi nimi ELLEN RICHARD tuleb meie vanavanemate nimede järgi, sest just Elleni ja Richardi juurest sain oma disainipisiku. Vanaema Ellen oli see, kelle masinakõrval õppisin väikese tüdrukuna õmblemist, kes tutvustas mulle materjale ning nagu lapsele ikka, tundus kõik, mida vanaema tegi ütlemata põnev. Ellen disainis ajastu vaimule kohaselt oma riideid ise ja leidis nutikaid lahendusi, et vanast uus valmistada. Lapsepõlves kogetu oli sedavõrd inspireeriv, et nime valikus ei olnud kahtlustki.”
Let us travel back in time, to the place where it all started.
All my summers passed in my grandparents’ summerhouse in Kiviõli, which was like a dream world for me. The small yellow house, blooming garden with cherry trees and flowerbeds, a dollhouse in an old woodshed. Everything was so colourful as it can be, at least through my blue-eyed sight. I still remember my grandfather Richards big scary riffle on the wall that he could let me near to, his heavy motorbike and a hound dog Reku, who was like a lion at this time being. But of course, my grandmother Ellens stitching machine, with what she worked with during sunny Estonian summers. Together, we made all the clothes for my dolls, and in fact, for ourselves too, cause there wasn’t much to choose from in the stores at these times. A little bit funny to look back at my childhood right now, but the magical aura still remains, and sewing with my grandmother feels like it was just yesterday. Many years later, when thoughts about creating my own clothing brand came up to my mind, I could still relate to the first supportive words I got from Ellen. This romantic yellow summerhouse setting is something that drives me up to this day and on.
The brand name isn’t a surface, it’s not something to just look at and print on your clothes or accessories, its a story, a lifeline, combining your truths, heritage and vision.

Ellen Richard designer Andreas Kübar
The rich and meaningful background is a very strong base to grown something new on. That brings us to this day, where a brand Ellen Richard is brought to you, by me, and my true values of honouring timeless beliefs. Till this day, I still find myself getting inspired by the clothing my grandfather used to wear, his oversized shirts, baggy pants and sweaters, or my grandmothers home textile, which was so elegantly finished and settled. A brand, where old meets with a modern mindset, creating a minimalistic atmosphere and sustainable design, has been my dream for a long time. Ellen Richard is a label I believe in, it’s my heart, my people and my lifestyle.